Command Line Options
This document lists every command line option and sub-command for Forest.
forest-filecoin 0.23.3
ChainSafe Systems <>
Rust Filecoin implementation.
forest [OPTIONS] [CMD]
--config <CONFIG>
A TOML file containing relevant configurations
--genesis <GENESIS>
The genesis CAR file
--rpc <RPC>
Allow RPC to be active or not (default: true) [possible values: true, false]
Disable Metrics endpoint
--metrics-address <METRICS_ADDRESS>
Address used for metrics collection server. By defaults binds on localhost on port 6116
--rpc-address <RPC_ADDRESS>
Address used for RPC. By defaults binds on localhost on port 2345
--rpc-filter-list <RPC_FILTER_LIST>
Path to a list of RPC methods to allow/disallow
Disable healthcheck endpoints
--healthcheck-address <HEALTHCHECK_ADDRESS>
Address used for healthcheck server. By defaults binds on localhost on port 2346
--p2p-listen-address <P2P_LISTEN_ADDRESS>
P2P listen addresses, e.g., `--p2p-listen-address /ip4/ --p2p-listen-address /ip4/`
--kademlia <KADEMLIA>
Allow Kademlia (default: true) [possible values: true, false]
--mdns <MDNS>
Allow MDNS (default: false) [possible values: true, false]
--height <HEIGHT>
Validate snapshot at given EPOCH, use a negative value -N to validate the last N EPOCH(s) starting at HEAD
--head <HEAD>
Sets the current HEAD epoch to validate to. Useful to specify a smaller range in conjunction with `height`, ignored if `height` is unspecified
--import-snapshot <IMPORT_SNAPSHOT>
Import a snapshot from a local CAR file or URL
--import-mode <IMPORT_MODE>
Snapshot import mode. Available modes are `auto`, `copy`, `move`, `symlink` and `hardlink` [default: auto]
Halt with exit code 0 after successfully importing a snapshot
--skip-load <SKIP_LOAD>
Skips loading CAR file and uses header to index chain. Assumes a pre-loaded database [possible values: true, false]
--req-window <REQ_WINDOW>
Number of tipsets requested over one chain exchange (default is 8)
--tipset-sample-size <TIPSET_SAMPLE_SIZE>
Number of tipsets to include in the sample that determines what the network head is (default is 5)
--target-peer-count <TARGET_PEER_COUNT>
Amount of Peers we want to be connected to (default is 75)
--encrypt-keystore <ENCRYPT_KEYSTORE>
Encrypt the key-store (default: true) [possible values: true, false]
--chain <CHAIN>
Choose network chain to sync to
Daemonize Forest process
Automatically download a chain specific snapshot to sync with the Filecoin network if needed
--color <COLOR>
Enable or disable colored logging in `stdout` [default: auto]
Turn on tokio-console support for debugging. Memory leak, see <>
Send telemetry to `grafana loki`
--loki-endpoint <LOKI_ENDPOINT>
Endpoint of `grafana loki` [default:]
--log-dir <LOG_DIR>
Specify a directory into which rolling log files should be appended
Exit after basic daemon initialization
--save-token <SAVE_TOKEN>
If provided, indicates the file to which to save the admin token
Track peak physical memory usage and print on exit
Disable the automatic database garbage collection
In stateless mode, forest connects to the P2P network but does not sync to HEAD
Check your command-line options and configuration file if one is used
Skip loading actors from the actors bundle
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
forest-filecoin 0.23.3
ChainSafe Systems <>
Rust Filecoin implementation.
forest-wallet [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
new Create a new wallet
balance Get account balance
default Get the default address of the wallet
export Export the wallet's keys
has Check if the wallet has a key
import Import keys from existing wallet
list List addresses of the wallet
set-default Set the default wallet address
sign Sign a message
validate-address Validates whether a given string can be decoded as a well-formed address
verify Verify the signature of a message. Returns true if the signature matches the message and address
delete Deletes the wallet associated with the given address
send Send funds between accounts
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--token <TOKEN> Admin token to interact with the node
--remote-wallet Use remote wallet associated with the Filecoin node. Warning! You should ensure that your connection is encrypted and secure, as the communication between the wallet and the node is **not** encrypted
--encrypt Encrypt local wallet
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
forest-wallet new
Create a new wallet
Usage: forest-wallet new [SIGNATURE_TYPE]
[SIGNATURE_TYPE] The signature type to use. One of `secp256k1`, `bls` or `delegated` [default: secp256k1]
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet balance
Get account balance
Usage: forest-wallet balance [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>
<ADDRESS> The address of the account to check
--no-round Output is rounded to 4 significant figures by default. Do not round
--no-abbrev Output may be given an SI prefix like `atto` by default. Do not do this, showing whole FIL at all times
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet default
Get the default address of the wallet
Usage: forest-wallet default
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet export
Export the wallet's keys
Usage: forest-wallet export <ADDRESS>
<ADDRESS> The address that contains the keys to export
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet has
Check if the wallet has a key
Usage: forest-wallet has <KEY>
<KEY> The key to check
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet import
Import keys from existing wallet
Usage: forest-wallet import [PATH]
[PATH] The path to the private key
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet list
List addresses of the wallet
Usage: forest-wallet list [OPTIONS]
--no-round Output is rounded to 4 significant figures by default. Do not round
--no-abbrev Output may be given an SI prefix like `atto` by default. Do not do this, showing whole FIL at all times
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet set-default
Set the default wallet address
Usage: forest-wallet set-default <KEY>
<KEY> The given key to set to the default address
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet sign
Sign a message
Usage: forest-wallet sign -m <MESSAGE> -a <ADDRESS>
-m <MESSAGE> The hex encoded message to sign
-a <ADDRESS> The address to be used to sign the message
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet validate-address
Validates whether a given string can be decoded as a well-formed address
Usage: forest-wallet validate-address <ADDRESS>
<ADDRESS> The address to be validated
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet verify
Verify the signature of a message. Returns true if the signature matches the message and address
Usage: forest-wallet verify -a <ADDRESS> -m <MESSAGE> -s <SIGNATURE>
-a <ADDRESS> The address used to sign the message
-m <MESSAGE> The message to verify
-s <SIGNATURE> The signature of the message to verify
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet delete
Deletes the wallet associated with the given address
Usage: forest-wallet delete <ADDRESS>
<ADDRESS> The address of the wallet to delete
-h, --help Print help
forest-wallet send
Send funds between accounts
Usage: forest-wallet send [OPTIONS] <TARGET_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT>
--from <FROM> optionally specify the account to send funds from (otherwise the default one will be used)
--gas-feecap <GAS_FEECAP> [default: 0.0]
--gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT> In milliGas [default: 0]
--gas-premium <GAS_PREMIUM> [default: 0.0]
-h, --help Print help
forest-filecoin 0.23.3
ChainSafe Systems <>
Rust Filecoin implementation.
forest-cli [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
chain Interact with Filecoin blockchain
auth Manage RPC permissions
net Manage P2P network
sync Inspect or interact with the chain synchronizer
mpool Interact with the message pool
state Interact with and query Filecoin chain state
config Manage node configuration
snapshot Manage snapshots
send Send funds between accounts
info Print node info
shutdown Shutdown Forest
healthcheck Print healthcheck info
f3 Manages Filecoin Fast Finality (F3) interactions
wait-api Wait for lotus API to come online
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-t, --token <TOKEN> Client JWT token to use for JSON-RPC authentication
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
forest-cli chain
Interact with Filecoin blockchain
Usage: forest-cli chain <COMMAND>
block Retrieves and prints out the block specified by the given CID
genesis Prints out the genesis tipset
head Prints out the canonical head of the chain
message Reads and prints out a message referenced by the specified CID from the chain block store
read-obj Reads and prints out IPLD nodes referenced by the specified CID from chain block store and returns raw bytes
set-head Manually set the head to the given tipset. This invalidates blocks between the desired head and the new head
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli chain block
Retrieves and prints out the block specified by the given CID
Usage: forest-cli chain block -c <CID>
-c <CID>
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli chain message
Reads and prints out a message referenced by the specified CID from the chain block store
Usage: forest-cli chain message -c <CID>
-c <CID>
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli chain read-obj
Reads and prints out IPLD nodes referenced by the specified CID from chain block store and returns raw bytes
Usage: forest-cli chain read-obj -c <CID>
-c <CID>
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli chain set-head
Manually set the head to the given tipset. This invalidates blocks between the desired head and the new head
Usage: forest-cli chain set-head [OPTIONS] <CIDS>...
<CIDS>... Construct the new head tipset from these CIDs
--epoch <EPOCH> Use the tipset from this epoch as the new head. Negative numbers specify decrements from the current head
-f, --force Skip confirmation dialogue
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli auth
Manage RPC permissions
Usage: forest-cli auth <COMMAND>
create-token Create a new Authentication token with given permission
api-info Get RPC API Information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli auth create-token
Create a new Authentication token with given permission
Usage: forest-cli auth create-token [OPTIONS] --perm <PERM>
-p, --perm <PERM> Permission to assign to the token, one of: read, write, sign, admin
--expire-in <EXPIRE_IN> Token is revoked after this duration [default: "2 months"]
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli auth api-info
Get RPC API Information
Usage: forest-cli auth api-info [OPTIONS] --perm <PERM>
-p, --perm <PERM> permission to assign the token, one of: read, write, sign, admin
--expire-in <EXPIRE_IN> Token is revoked after this duration [default: "2 months"]
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli net
Manage P2P network
Usage: forest-cli net <COMMAND>
listen Lists `libp2p` swarm listener addresses
info Lists `libp2p` swarm network info
peers Lists `libp2p` swarm peers
connect Connects to a peer by its peer ID and multi-addresses
disconnect Disconnects from a peer by it's peer ID
reachability Print information about reachability from the internet
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli net peers
Lists `libp2p` swarm peers
Usage: forest-cli net peers [OPTIONS]
-a, --agent Print agent name
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli net connect
Connects to a peer by its peer ID and multi-addresses
Usage: forest-cli net connect <ADDRESS>
<ADDRESS> Multi-address (with `/p2p/` protocol)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli net disconnect
Disconnects from a peer by it's peer ID
Usage: forest-cli net disconnect <ID>
<ID> Peer ID to disconnect from
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli sync
Inspect or interact with the chain synchronizer
Usage: forest-cli sync <COMMAND>
wait Display continuous sync data until sync is complete
status Check sync status
check-bad Check if a given block is marked bad, and for what reason
mark-bad Mark a given block as bad
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli sync wait
Display continuous sync data until sync is complete
Usage: forest-cli sync wait [OPTIONS]
-w Don't exit after node is synced
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli sync check-bad
Check if a given block is marked bad, and for what reason
Usage: forest-cli sync check-bad -c <CID>
-c <CID> The block CID to check
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli sync mark-bad
Mark a given block as bad
Usage: forest-cli sync mark-bad -c <CID>
-c <CID> The block CID to mark as a bad block
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli mpool
Interact with the message pool
Usage: forest-cli mpool <COMMAND>
pending Get pending messages
stat Print mempool stats
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli mpool pending
Get pending messages
Usage: forest-cli mpool pending [OPTIONS]
--local Print pending messages for addresses in local wallet only
--cids Only print `CIDs` of messages in output
--to <TO> Return messages to a given address
--from <FROM> Return messages from a given address
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli mpool stat
Print mempool stats
Usage: forest-cli mpool stat [OPTIONS]
--basefee-lookback <BASEFEE_LOOKBACK>
Number of blocks to look back for minimum `basefee` [default: 60]
Print stats for addresses in local wallet only
-h, --help
Print help
forest-cli state
Interact with and query Filecoin chain state
Usage: forest-cli state <COMMAND>
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli state fetch
Usage: forest-cli state fetch [OPTIONS] <ROOT>
-s, --save-to-file <SAVE_TO_FILE> The `.car` file path to save the state root
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli state compute
Usage: forest-cli state compute --epoch <EPOCH>
--epoch <EPOCH> Which epoch to compute the state transition for
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli config
Manage node configuration
Usage: forest-cli config <COMMAND>
dump Dump default configuration to standard output
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli snapshot
Manage snapshots
Usage: forest-cli snapshot <COMMAND>
export Export a snapshot of the chain to `<output_path>`
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli snapshot export
Export a snapshot of the chain to `<output_path>`
Usage: forest-cli snapshot export [OPTIONS]
-o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH> `./forest_snapshot_{chain}_{year}-{month}-{day}_height_{epoch}.car.zst`. [default: .]
--skip-checksum Skip creating the checksum file
--dry-run Don't write the archive
-t, --tipset <TIPSET> Tipset to start the export from, default is the chain head
-d, --depth <DEPTH> How many state-roots to include. Lower limit is 900 for `calibnet` and `mainnet`
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli send
Send funds between accounts
Usage: forest-cli send [OPTIONS] <TARGET_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT>
--from <FROM> optionally specify the account to send funds from (otherwise the default one will be used)
--gas-feecap <GAS_FEECAP> [default: 0.0]
--gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT> In milliGas [default: 0]
--gas-premium <GAS_PREMIUM> [default: 0.0]
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli info
Print node info
Usage: forest-cli info <COMMAND>
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli shutdown
Shutdown Forest
Usage: forest-cli shutdown [OPTIONS]
--force Assume "yes" as answer to shutdown prompt
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli healthcheck
Print healthcheck info
Usage: forest-cli healthcheck <COMMAND>
ready Display readiness status
live Display liveness status
healthy Display health status
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli healthcheck ready
Display readiness status
Usage: forest-cli healthcheck ready [OPTIONS]
--wait Don't exit until node is ready
--healthcheck-port <HEALTHCHECK_PORT> Healthcheck port [default: 2346]
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli f3
Manages Filecoin Fast Finality (F3) interactions
Usage: forest-cli f3 <COMMAND>
manifest Gets the current manifest used by F3
status Checks the F3 status
certs Manages interactions with F3 finality certificates [aliases: c]
powertable Gets F3 power table at a specific instance ID or latest instance if none is specified [aliases: pt]
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli f3 manifest
Gets the current manifest used by F3
Usage: forest-cli f3 manifest [OPTIONS]
--output <OUTPUT>
The output format
[default: text]
Possible values:
- text: Text
- json: JSON
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
forest-cli f3 status
Checks the F3 status
Usage: forest-cli f3 status
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli f3 certs
Manages interactions with F3 finality certificates
Usage: forest-cli f3 certs <COMMAND>
get Gets an F3 finality certificate to a given instance ID, or the latest certificate if no instance is specified
list Lists a range of F3 finality certificates
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli f3 certs get
Gets an F3 finality certificate to a given instance ID, or the latest certificate if no instance is specified
Usage: forest-cli f3 certs get [OPTIONS] [INSTANCE]
--output <OUTPUT>
The output format
[default: text]
Possible values:
- text: Text
- json: JSON
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
forest-cli f3 certs list
Lists a range of F3 finality certificates
Usage: forest-cli f3 certs list [OPTIONS] [RANGE]
Inclusive range of `from` and `to` instances in following notation: `<from>..<to>`. Either `<from>` or `<to>` may be omitted, but not both
--output <OUTPUT>
The output format
[default: text]
Possible values:
- text: Text
- json: JSON
--limit <LIMIT>
The maximum number of instances. A value less than 0 indicates no limit
[default: 10]
Reverses the default order of output
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
forest-cli f3 powertable
Gets F3 power table at a specific instance ID or latest instance if none is specified
Usage: forest-cli f3 powertable <COMMAND>
get Gets F3 power table at a specific instance ID or latest instance if none is specified [aliases: g]
get-proportion Gets the total proportion of power for a list of actors at a given instance [aliases: gp]
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli f3 powertable get
Gets F3 power table at a specific instance ID or latest instance if none is specified
Usage: forest-cli f3 powertable get [OPTIONS] [INSTANCE]
[INSTANCE] instance ID. (default: latest)
--ec Whether to get the power table from EC. (default: false)
-h, --help Print help
forest-cli f3 powertable get-proportion
Gets the total proportion of power for a list of actors at a given instance
Usage: forest-cli f3 powertable get-proportion [OPTIONS] [ACTOR_IDS]...
--instance <INSTANCE> instance ID. (default: latest)
--ec Whether to get the power table from EC. (default: false)
-h, --help Print help
forest-filecoin 0.23.3
ChainSafe Systems <>
Rust Filecoin implementation.
forest-tool <COMMAND>
backup Create and restore backups
benchmark Benchmark various Forest subsystems
state-migration State migration tools
snapshot Manage snapshots
fetch-params Download parameters for generating and verifying proofs for given size
archive Manage archives
db Database management
car Utilities for manipulating CAR files
api API tooling
net Network utilities
shed Miscellaneous, semver-exempt commands for developer use
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
forest-tool backup
Create and restore backups
Usage: forest-tool backup <COMMAND>
create Create a backup of the node. By default, only the peer-to-peer key-pair and key-store are backed up. The node must be offline
restore Restore a backup of the node from a file. The node must be offline
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool backup create
Create a backup of the node. By default, only the peer-to-peer key-pair and key-store are backed up. The node must be offline
Usage: forest-tool backup create [OPTIONS]
--backup-file <BACKUP_FILE> Path to the output backup file if not using the default
--all Backup everything from the Forest data directory. This will override other options
--no-keypair Disables backing up the key-pair
--no-keystore Disables backing up the key-store
--backup-chain <BACKUP_CHAIN> Backs up the blockstore for the specified chain. If not provided, it will not be backed up
--include-proof-params Include proof parameters in the backup
-d, --daemon-config <DAEMON_CONFIG> Optional TOML file containing forest daemon configuration. If not provided, the default configuration will be used
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool backup restore
Restore a backup of the node from a file. The node must be offline
Usage: forest-tool backup restore [OPTIONS] <BACKUP_FILE>
<BACKUP_FILE> Path to the backup file
-d, --daemon-config <DAEMON_CONFIG> Optional TOML file containing forest daemon configuration. If not provided, the default configuration will be used
--force Force restore even if files already exist WARNING: This will overwrite existing files
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool benchmark
Benchmark various Forest subsystems
Usage: forest-tool benchmark <COMMAND>
car-streaming Benchmark streaming data from a CAR archive
graph-traversal Depth-first traversal of the Filecoin graph
forest-encoding Encoding of a `` file
export Exporting a `` file from HEAD
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool benchmark car-streaming
Benchmark streaming data from a CAR archive
Usage: forest-tool benchmark car-streaming [OPTIONS] <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Snapshot input files (`.car.`, `.car.zst`, ``)
--inspect Whether or not we want to expect [`ipld_core::ipld::Ipld`] data for each block
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool benchmark graph-traversal
Depth-first traversal of the Filecoin graph
Usage: forest-tool benchmark graph-traversal <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Snapshot input files (`.car.`, `.car.zst`, ``)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool benchmark unordered-graph-traversal
Usage: forest-tool benchmark unordered-graph-traversal <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Snapshot input files (`.car.`, `.car.zst`, ``)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool benchmark forest-encoding
Encoding of a `` file
Usage: forest-tool benchmark forest-encoding [OPTIONS] <SNAPSHOT_FILE>
<SNAPSHOT_FILE> Snapshot input file (`.car.`, `.car.zst`, ``)
--compression-level <COMPRESSION_LEVEL>
[default: 3]
--frame-size <FRAME_SIZE>
End zstd frames after they exceed this length [default: 8192]
-h, --help
Print help
forest-tool benchmark export
Exporting a `` file from HEAD
Usage: forest-tool benchmark export [OPTIONS] <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Snapshot input files (`.car.`, `.car.zst`, ``)
--compression-level <COMPRESSION_LEVEL>
[default: 3]
--frame-size <FRAME_SIZE>
End zstd frames after they exceed this length [default: 8192]
-e, --epoch <EPOCH>
Latest epoch that has to be exported for this snapshot, the upper bound. This value cannot be greater than the latest epoch available in the input snapshot
-d, --depth <DEPTH>
How many state-roots to include. Lower limit is 900 for `calibnet` and `mainnet` [default: 2000]
-h, --help
Print help
forest-tool state-migration
State migration tools
Usage: forest-tool state-migration <COMMAND>
actor-bundle Generate a merged actor bundle from the hard-coded sources in forest
generate-actors-metadata Generate actors metadata from required bundles list
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool state-migration actor-bundle
Generate a merged actor bundle from the hard-coded sources in forest
Usage: forest-tool state-migration actor-bundle [OUTPUT]
[OUTPUT] [default:]
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool snapshot
Manage snapshots
Usage: forest-tool snapshot <COMMAND>
fetch Fetches the most recent snapshot from a trusted, pre-defined location
validate-diffs Validate the provided snapshots as a whole
validate Validate the snapshots individually
compress Make this snapshot suitable for use as a compressed car-backed blockstore
compute-state Compute the state hash at a given epoch
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool snapshot fetch
Fetches the most recent snapshot from a trusted, pre-defined location
Usage: forest-tool snapshot fetch [OPTIONS]
-d, --directory <DIRECTORY> [default: .]
--chain <CHAIN> Network chain the snapshot will belong to [default: mainnet]
-v, --vendor <VENDOR> Vendor to fetch the snapshot from [default: forest] [possible values: forest]
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool snapshot validate-diffs
Validate the provided snapshots as a whole
Usage: forest-tool snapshot validate-diffs [OPTIONS] <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Path to a snapshot CAR, which may be zstd compressed
--check-links <CHECK_LINKS>
Number of recent epochs to scan for broken links [default: 2000]
--check-network <CHECK_NETWORK>
Assert the snapshot belongs to this network. If left blank, the network will be inferred before executing messages
--check-stateroots <CHECK_STATEROOTS>
Number of recent epochs to scan for bad messages/transactions [default: 60]
-h, --help
Print help
forest-tool snapshot validate
Validate the snapshots individually
Usage: forest-tool snapshot validate [OPTIONS] <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Path to a snapshot CAR, which may be zstd compressed
--check-links <CHECK_LINKS>
Number of recent epochs to scan for broken links [default: 2000]
--check-network <CHECK_NETWORK>
Assert the snapshot belongs to this network. If left blank, the network will be inferred before executing messages
--check-stateroots <CHECK_STATEROOTS>
Number of recent epochs to scan for bad messages/transactions [default: 60]
Fail at the first invalid snapshot
-h, --help
Print help
forest-tool snapshot compress
Make this snapshot suitable for use as a compressed car-backed blockstore
Usage: forest-tool snapshot compress [OPTIONS] <SOURCE>
Input CAR file, in `.car`, `.car.zst`, or `` format
-o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH>
Output file, will be in `` format.
Will reuse the source name (with new extension) if pointed to a directory.
[default: .]
--compression-level <COMPRESSION_LEVEL>
[default: 3]
--frame-size <FRAME_SIZE>
End zstd frames after they exceed this length
[default: 8192]
Overwrite output file without prompting
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
forest-tool snapshot compute-state
Filecoin keeps track of "the state of the world", including: wallets and their balances; storage providers and their deals; etc...
It does this by (essentially) hashing the state of the world.
The world can change when new blocks are mined and transmitted. A block may contain a message to e.g transfer FIL between two parties. Blocks are ordered by "epoch", which can be thought of as a timestamp.
Snapshots contain (among other things) these messages.
The command calculates the state of the world at EPOCH-1, applies all the messages at EPOCH, and prints the resulting hash of the state of the world.
If --json is supplied, details about each message execution will printed.
Usage: forest-tool snapshot compute-state [OPTIONS] --epoch <EPOCH> <SNAPSHOT>
Path to a snapshot CAR, which may be zstd compressed
--epoch <EPOCH>
Which epoch to compute the state transition for
Generate JSON output
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
forest-tool fetch-params
Download parameters for generating and verifying proofs for given size
Usage: forest-tool fetch-params [OPTIONS] [PARAMS_SIZE]
[PARAMS_SIZE] Size in bytes
-a, --all Download all proof parameters
-k, --keys Download only verification keys
-d, --dry-run Print out download location instead of downloading files
-c, --config <CONFIG> Optional TOML file containing forest daemon configuration
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool archive
Manage archives
Usage: forest-tool archive <COMMAND>
info Show basic information about an archive
export Trim a snapshot of the chain and write it to `<output_path>`
checkpoints Print block headers at 30 day interval for a snapshot file
merge Merge snapshot archives into a single file. The output snapshot refers to the heaviest tipset in the input set
diff Show the difference between the canonical and computed state of a tipset
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool archive info
Show basic information about an archive
Usage: forest-tool archive info <SNAPSHOT>
<SNAPSHOT> Path to an uncompressed archive (CAR)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool archive export
Trim a snapshot of the chain and write it to `<output_path>`
Usage: forest-tool archive export [OPTIONS] <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Snapshot input path. Currently supports only `.car` file format
-o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH> Snapshot output filename or directory. Defaults to
`./forest_snapshot_{chain}_{year}-{month}-{day}_height_{epoch}.car.zst`. [default: .]
-e, --epoch <EPOCH> Latest epoch that has to be exported for this snapshot, the upper bound. This value cannot be greater than the latest epoch available in the input snapshot
-d, --depth <DEPTH> How many state-roots to include. Lower limit is 900 for `calibnet` and `mainnet` [default: 2000]
--diff <DIFF> Do not include any values reachable from this epoch
--diff-depth <DIFF_DEPTH> How many state-roots to include when computing the diff set. All state-roots are included if this flag is not set
--force Overwrite output file without prompting
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool archive checkpoints
Print block headers at 30 day interval for a snapshot file
Usage: forest-tool archive checkpoints <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Path to snapshot file
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool archive merge
Merge snapshot archives into a single file. The output snapshot refers to the heaviest tipset in the input set
Usage: forest-tool archive merge [OPTIONS] <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Snapshot input paths. Supports `.car`, `.car.zst`, and ``
-o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH> Snapshot output filename or directory. Defaults to
`./forest_snapshot_{chain}_{year}-{month}-{day}_height_{epoch}.car.zst`. [default: .]
--force Overwrite output file without prompting
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool archive diff
Show the difference between the canonical and computed state of a tipset
Usage: forest-tool archive diff [OPTIONS] --epoch <EPOCH> <SNAPSHOT_FILES>...
<SNAPSHOT_FILES>... Snapshot input paths. Supports `.car`, `.car.zst`, and ``
--epoch <EPOCH> Selected epoch to validate
--depth <DEPTH>
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool db
Database management
Usage: forest-tool db <COMMAND>
stats Show DB stats
destroy DB destruction
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool db stats
Show DB stats
Usage: forest-tool db stats [OPTIONS]
-c, --config <CONFIG> Optional TOML file containing forest daemon configuration
--chain <CHAIN> Optional chain, will override the chain section of configuration file if used
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool db destroy
DB destruction
Usage: forest-tool db destroy [OPTIONS]
--force Answer yes to all forest-cli yes/no questions without prompting
-c, --config <CONFIG> Optional TOML file containing forest daemon configuration
--chain <CHAIN> Optional chain, will override the chain section of configuration file if used
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool car
Utilities for manipulating CAR files
Usage: forest-tool car <COMMAND>
concat Concatenate two or more CAR files into a single archive
validate Check the validity of a CAR archive. For Filecoin-specific checks, see `forest-tool snapshot validate`
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool car concat
Concatenate two or more CAR files into a single archive
Usage: forest-tool car concat --output <OUTPUT> [CAR_FILES]...
[CAR_FILES]... A list of CAR file paths. A CAR file can be a plain CAR, a zstd compressed CAR or a `` file
-o, --output <OUTPUT> The output `` file path
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool car validate
Check the validity of a CAR archive. For Filecoin-specific checks, see `forest-tool snapshot validate`
Usage: forest-tool car validate [OPTIONS] <CAR_FILE>
<CAR_FILE> CAR archive. Supported extensions: `.car`, `.car.zst`, ``
--ignore-block-validity Skip verifying that blocks are hashed correctly
--ignore-forest-index Skip verifying the integrity of the on-disk index
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool api
API tooling
Usage: forest-tool api <COMMAND>
compare Compare two RPC providers
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool api serve
Usage: forest-tool api serve [OPTIONS] [SNAPSHOT_FILES]...
[SNAPSHOT_FILES]... Snapshot input paths. Supports `.car`, `.car.zst`, and ``
--chain <CHAIN> Filecoin network chain [default: mainnet]
--port <PORT> [default: 2345]
--height <HEIGHT> Validate snapshot at given EPOCH, use a negative value -N to validate the last N EPOCH(s) starting at HEAD [default: -50]
--genesis <GENESIS> Genesis file path, only applicable for devnet
--save-token <SAVE_TOKEN> If provided, indicates the file to which to save the admin token
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool api compare
Compare two RPC providers.
The providers are labeled `forest` and `lotus`, but other nodes may be used (such as `venus`).
The `lotus` node is assumed to be correct and the `forest` node will be marked as incorrect if it deviates.
If snapshot files are provided, these files will be used to generate additional tests.
Example output: ```markdown | RPC Method | Forest | Lotus | |-----------------------------------|---------------------|---------------| | Filecoin.ChainGetBlock | Valid | Valid | | Filecoin.ChainGetGenesis | Valid | Valid | | Filecoin.ChainGetMessage (67) | InternalServerError | Valid | ``` The number after a method name indicates how many times an RPC call was tested.
Usage: forest-tool api compare [OPTIONS] [SNAPSHOT_FILES]...
Snapshot input paths. Supports `.car`, `.car.zst`, and ``
--forest <FOREST>
Forest address
[default: /ip4/]
--lotus <LOTUS>
Lotus address
[default: /ip4/]
--filter <FILTER>
Filter which tests to run according to method name. Case sensitive
[default: ]
--filter-file <FILTER_FILE>
Filter file which tests to run according to method name. Case sensitive. The file should contain one entry per line. Lines starting with `!` are considered as rejected methods, while the others are allowed. Empty lines and lines starting with `#` are ignored
Cancel test run on the first failure
--run-ignored <RUN_IGNORED>
Behavior for tests marked as `ignored`
[default: default]
[possible values: default, ignored-only, all]
--max-concurrent-requests <MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS>
Maximum number of concurrent requests
[default: 8]
-n, --n-tipsets <N_TIPSETS>
The number of tipsets to use to generate test cases
[default: 10]
--miner-address <MINER_ADDRESS>
Miner address to use for miner tests. Miner worker key must be in the key-store
--worker-address <WORKER_ADDRESS>
Worker address to use where key is applicable. Worker key must be in the key-store
--eth-chain-id <ETH_CHAIN_ID>
Ethereum chain ID. Default to the calibnet chain ID
[default: 314159]
--dump-dir <DUMP_DIR>
Specify a directory to which the RPC tests are dumped
--test-criteria-overrides [<TEST_CRITERIA_OVERRIDES>...]
Additional overrides to modify success criteria for tests
[default: timeout-and-timeout]
Possible values:
- valid-and-timeout: Test pass when first endpoint returns a valid result and the second one timeout
- timeout-and-timeout: Test pass when both endpoints timeout
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
forest-tool api generate-test-snapshot
Usage: forest-tool api generate-test-snapshot [OPTIONS] --chain <CHAIN> --out-dir <OUT_DIR> <TEST_DUMP_FILES>...
<TEST_DUMP_FILES>... Path to test dumps that are generated by `forest-tool api dump-tests` command
--db <DB> Path to the database folder that powers a Forest node
--chain <CHAIN> Filecoin network chain
--out-dir <OUT_DIR> Folder into which test snapshots are dumped
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool api dump-tests
Usage: forest-tool api dump-tests [OPTIONS] --path <PATH> [SNAPSHOT_FILES]...
[SNAPSHOT_FILES]... Snapshot input paths. Supports `.car`, `.car.zst`, and ``
-n, --n-tipsets <N_TIPSETS>
The number of tipsets to use to generate test cases [default: 10]
--miner-address <MINER_ADDRESS>
Miner address to use for miner tests. Miner worker key must be in the key-store
--worker-address <WORKER_ADDRESS>
Worker address to use where key is applicable. Worker key must be in the key-store
--eth-chain-id <ETH_CHAIN_ID>
Ethereum chain ID. Default to the calibnet chain ID [default: 314159]
--path <PATH>
Which API path to dump [possible values: v0, v1]
-h, --help
Print help
forest-tool api test
Usage: forest-tool api test <FILES>...
<FILES>... Path to test snapshots that are generated by `forest-tool api generate-test-snapshot` command
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool net ping
Ping a peer via its `multiaddress`
Usage: forest-tool net ping [OPTIONS] <PEER>
<PEER> Peer `multiaddress`
-c, --count <COUNT> The number of times it should ping [default: 5]
-i, --interval <INTERVAL> The minimum seconds between pings [default: 1]
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool shed
Miscellaneous, semver-exempt commands for developer use
Usage: forest-tool shed <COMMAND>
summarize-tipsets Enumerate the tipset CIDs for a span of epochs starting at `height` and working backwards
peer-id-from-key-pair Generate a `PeerId` from the given key-pair file
private-key-from-key-pair Generate a base64-encoded private key from the given key-pair file. This effectively transforms Forest's key-pair file into a Lotus-compatible private key
key-pair-from-private-key Generate a key-pair file from the given base64-encoded private key. This effectively transforms Lotus's private key into a Forest-compatible key-pair file. If `output` is not provided, the key-pair is printed to stdout as a base64-encoded string
openrpc Dump the OpenRPC definition for the node
f3 F3 related commands
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool shed summarize-tipsets
Enumerate the tipset CIDs for a span of epochs starting at `height` and working backwards.
Useful for getting blocks to live test an RPC endpoint.
Usage: forest-tool shed summarize-tipsets [OPTIONS] --ancestors <ANCESTORS>
--height <HEIGHT>
If omitted, defaults to the HEAD of the node
--ancestors <ANCESTORS>
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
forest-tool shed peer-id-from-key-pair
Generate a `PeerId` from the given key-pair file
Usage: forest-tool shed peer-id-from-key-pair <KEYPAIR>
<KEYPAIR> Path to the key-pair file
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool shed private-key-from-key-pair
Generate a base64-encoded private key from the given key-pair file. This effectively transforms Forest's key-pair file into a Lotus-compatible private key
Usage: forest-tool shed private-key-from-key-pair <KEYPAIR>
<KEYPAIR> Path to the key-pair file
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool shed openrpc
Dump the OpenRPC definition for the node
Usage: forest-tool shed openrpc [OPTIONS] --path <PATH> [INCLUDE]...
--path <PATH> Which API path to dump [possible values: v0, v1]
--omit <OMIT> A comma-separated list of fields to omit from the output (e.g., "summary,description") [possible values: summary, description]
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool shed f3
F3 related commands
Usage: forest-tool shed f3 <COMMAND>
check-activation-raw Queries F3 parameters contract using raw logic
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
forest-tool shed f3 check-activation-raw
Queries F3 parameters contract using raw logic
Usage: forest-tool shed f3 check-activation-raw --contract <CONTRACT>
--contract <CONTRACT> Contract eth address
-h, --help Print help